19 min read

Study in Japan from Bangladesh

Jun 09, 2023Date Published
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UniSearch - Study in Japan from Bangladesh

Canada, the USA, and the UK - these countries remain popular choices for people wanting to study abroad. But if you want to study in Japan from Bangladesh, you are onto something too.

Bangladeshis have a long history of pursuing education abroad. And Japan is one of the most popular destinations for students from Bangladesh.

Japan is an excellent place for students to study. It offers a wide range of programs and courses at different levels. Japan has ancient temples, modern technology, and history offering a rich cultural experience.

To know why studying in Japan from Bangladesh is best for you, keep on reading.

7 Reasons Why You Should Study In Japan

We know studying abroad is a big decision to make. a lot of questions may come to mind. One of them is- would Japan be a great match for you? Here are 7 reasons why you should consider studying in Japan:

1. High-Quality Education

Japan is well-known for its high-quality education in engineering, technology, and science. The main focus is on hands-on learning and practical experience. The students who study in Japan receive a challenging and rewarding education. To give you an idea of the world-class education you can access in Japan, here’s how these institutions compare on a global scale:

University Name
QS World University Rankings 2023
The University of Tokyo
Kyoto University
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)
Tohoku University
Nagoya University
Kyushu University
Hokkaido University
Keio University

With 8 universities in the top 200 of the world’s best universities and 50 universities among QS’ picks for the world’s best higher education institutions overall, you know you’re set for a world-class education with a degree in Japan.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) oversees all Japanese universities. A degree from any of these institutes has worldwide recognition!

2. Rich Culture and History

Japan is a country with a rich cultural and historical heritage. It has ancient Shinto shrines and temples in its vibrant modern cities. Studying in Japan will allow you to immerse yourself in this unique culture. Plus, you can learn about its history and traditions.

With 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Japan’s charm is distinct from anything else you can experience anywhere else in the world. Whether you’re booking a stay at a traditional ryokan, making regular visits to onsens, attending Japanese tea ceremonies, or trying every bowl of ramen you can find, the allure of Japan’s traditions, myths, and history will leave a permanent impression on you.

Pair that with Japanese popular culture, from anime to fashion and music, you’ll be living an otaku fantasy come true!

3. Advanced Technology

Japan is a world leader in technology and innovation. It is an ideal destination for you if you are into engineering, computer science, and robotics.

Massive technological innovators and leaders, like Toyota, Sony, Mitsubishi, and Hitachi, are proud Japanese companies. You’ll be stunned by the capacity for innovation in technological advancement in Japan, from vending machines keeping your drinks warm in the winter to the latest in smart technology and AI.

In fact, the Japanese government heavily invests in technology to keep the country’s competitive edge on the global playing field. If you’re pursuing a STEM degree in Japan, you will be learning from industry leaders at the pinnacle of their fields.

4. Strong Economy

Japan has one of the strongest economies in the world. In fact, it is the third largest economy in the world, after the USA and China, by both nominal GDP and assets and wealth. It is also the world’s fourth-largest consumer market!

This country has a thriving technology and manufacturing sector. Studying in Japan can give you opportunities to network. You can work with some of the world's leading companies.

A strong and stable economy creates solid opportunities for career development as well as a fantastic quality of life. Speaking of which -

5. Safety and Quality of Life

Japan has an incredibly high standard of living. It has a low crime rate, excellent healthcare, and a strong social safety net. This is an ideal destination for you if you are looking for a safe and comfortable place to live while studying.

In fact, Tokyo ranks at a spectacular #7 among QS’ Best Student Cities of 2023! From efficient and advanced public transport networks, trendy hotspots boasting the best luxury and name brands, and Japan’s cultural commitment towards cleanliness, your time in Japan is going to be pleasant and exciting.

6. Employment Opportunities

Employability in Japan is high due to the country's:

  • strong and stable economy
  • advanced technology
  • and a highly-educated workforce

Internationalization is a key priority of Japanese businesses keen to stay competitive on a global scale. This means Japanese corporations are keen to welcome talented and skilled foreign candidates into their folds! Alongside Japanese giants like Toyota and Capcom, top companies have key offices in Japan as well, creating avenues for work experience.

The great news is that as a student, you can work part-time in Japan! In order to do so, you need to apply for the right to work part-time at an immigration bureau in Japan. You’ll have to abide by the conditions of this work permit - for example, you can only work 28 hours a week. You may even find internship opportunities while studying - check with your school to ensure you’re eligible!

Another great perk - you can apply for post-study opportunities as a graduate to work in Japan! You will need to secure employment first and apply for a work visa that lets you continue to stay and work in the country.

Japan is also known for its commitment to its employees. The companies offer job security and lifetime employment for hard work and loyalty. Japan prioritizes career development and well-being which attracts both local and foreign workers.

Japan has also been working to increase the employability of women. They are trying to improve gender equality in the workforce. So, if you are a woman, you can enter the labor force and advance in your career.

Yet, Japan faces challenges to diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace. Companies are struggling to find the talent they need to remain competitive. But Japan is working to improve the employability of its older workers. They are also welcoming more foreign workers to the country.

Despite all the challenges, Japan is an employable country. It has a stable economy and a well-educated workforce. Japan ensures employee well-being and career development.

7. High Demand for English Speakers

The mother tongue and the official language of Japan are Japanese. While learning Japanese will definitely be part of your study abroad experience in the country, Japan has a high demand for English-speaking individuals for these 5 reasons:

  • Japan has a strong focus on international business and trade. This requires individuals who can communicate in English, to deal with foreign clients and partners.
  • The need for English-speaking individuals has risen with global tourism. English is very important in the hospitality and customer service industries.
  • English is a must for finance, technology, and education-related job fields in Japan. This trend raises the demand for international cooperation and knowledge-sharing. As a world leader in the industry, there is a desire to maintain a competitive edge in a global market.
  • English is a crucial part of education in Japan. Many schools and universities now need students to be proficient in the language. This creates a high demand for English teachers, tutors, and language schools.
  • Japan is growing globally. Its focus is on international business and education. This has created a high demand for proficient English speakers.

Student Mobility in Japan vs International Students’ Global Mobility

Student mobility is the students' movement from one country to another for education. In Japan, student mobility refers to Japanese students traveling abroad for study purposes. International student mobility means students from other countries come to Japan to study.

In Japan, the number of students participating in student mobility programs has increased. The UNESDOC claims there were over 60,000 Japanese students studying abroad in 2015. That's a huge rise from the 20,000 that were doing so in 2000.

But, Japan has also seen a steady increase in the number of international students. As of 2021, approximately 310,000 international students are studying in Japan. Thus, making it one of the leading destinations for international students in Asia.

In comparison to global student mobility, Japan’s student mobility rate is low. But, the country is promoting student mobility programs for Japanese and international students. This enhances cultural exchange and promotes internationalization.

Student mobility in Japan is growing. But it is still behind compared to international student mobility. Besides, the country is working to increase student mobility and promote cultural exchange. So, it attracts international students.

Mobility Of Students From Bangladesh To Japan

The mobility of students from Bangladesh to Japan has increased in recent years. The UNESCO data says, 2,436 students from Bangladesh went to Japan for higher education in 2019.

Japan is renowned for its quality education system and innovative research opportunities. The trend of students moving from Bangladesh to Japan is driven by-

  • The desire to gain exposure to advanced technology
  • Get a world-class education in renowned universities closer to home than destinations outside Asia
  • Acquire new skills in high demand in the global job market
  • Comparative affordability of Japanese tuition compared to destinations in Europe, North America, or Oceania
  • Scholarships and financial help incentivizing international students to study in Japan

Also, don’t worry about the language barrier. Many universities in Japan offer programs in English. While you will be taking some Japanese classes, Japanese universities are accommodating in helping English speakers fit comfortably in.

But, there are still challenges for students from Bangladesh. Such as cultural differences and the high cost of living. If the economy and education system develops, student mobility from Bangladesh to Japan will increase.

Top 10 Universities in Japan for Bangladeshi Students

If you want to study in Japan this year, your first concern is going to be your university of choice and the top courses for in Japan for international students. We know you’ll look for the best - and that’s why we’re rounding up the top 10 universities in Japan for your consideration!

1. University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo, also known as UTokyo, is a prestigious public research university. As you can tell by the name, it calls Japan’s capital, Tokyo, it's home. This university ranks 23rd in the QS World University ranking and 11th in the Asian University ranking. This makes it one of the world’s top 25 best universities!

UTokyo offers humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, and engineering programs. It has a 100% academic reputation.

The admission process at UTokyo is competitive, and students must take an entrance examination. International students are also eligible to apply and need to take an English skill test.

A degree from UTokyo is a valuable asset and can open up many opportunities for students in their careers.

2. Kyoto University

If you are a big fan of Japanese manga, you’ve already heard about Kyoto city. Kyoto University is in the heart of Kyoto. Fun fact: Kyoto is also known as the university city of Japan since it’s home to so many excellent higher education institutions!

Kyoto University ranks 36th in the QS World University Rankings. This university is popular for its excellence in academic programs, research, and innovation. It believes in the “freedom of academic spirit” - so you are more than welcome to bring your academic ambitions to life here!

Kyoto University offers humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and medicine programs.

It has world-class facilities, research opportunities, and support services. The university campus gives easy access to the city's rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant local life.

Kyoto University offers financial aid and scholarship programs, student services, and support networks. This is to help students succeed in their studies and achieve their goals

3. Osaka University

Osaka University is a leading research-oriented university in Japan. It is 68th in the QS World University Rankings of 2023. This university is particularly popular for its master's programs.

Osaka University offers a rigorous academic curriculum, top-notch facilities, and dynamic research opportunities. It provides a challenging and rewarding learning environment for its students. An Osaka University degree prepares you for successful careers in your chosen fields.

4. Tohoku University

Tohoku University is a prestigious Japanese university located in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture. It is ranked 79th in the QS World University Rankings and is a great choice for talented scientists and researchers.

The university is research-oriented and has world-class faculty. It ranks 23rd in Asia with a strong international reputation. Studying at Tohoku University provides students with a unique and challenging academic experience.

5. Nagoya University

Nagoya University is a respected public research university located in Nagoya, Japan. It is one of the top universities in the country! The institute offers natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences programs.

Studying at Nagoya University is a great opportunity for you if you are looking for a rigorous and well-rounded program in Japan. This university provides 7 options for housing for international students. These are 20 minutes away from the university. Nagoya University offers different clubs and cultural activities too.

6. Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University is a respected university located in Sapporo, Japan. It has excellent academic programs and research facilities. You can experience:

  • more than 250 clubs and organizations,
  • athletic events
  • the university museum,
  • university festivals,
  • unwinding with friends in one of the many restaurants between classes.

The university provides students with a supportive and diverse learning environment. Its faculty members are experts in their respective fields. Hokkaido University can be a great place for you if you are looking for a high-quality education in Japan.

7. Keio University

Keio University is a private university located in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the most prestigious and oldest universities in Japan. Keio University offers programs in science and technology, law, economics, medicine, and engineering.

The university is famous for its diverse curriculum and high academic standards. The students are encouraged to engage in research and collaboration with faculty members. Employers in Japan and around the world seek graduates from Keio University. They are famous for their critical thinking skills, innovative ideas, and leadership potential.

8. Waseda University

Waseda University is a private research university located in Tokyo, Japan. Academic freedom, practical innovation, and enlightened citizenship are its three guiding principles.

Students from around the world come to study at Waseda. It offers exchange programs with universities in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia. The university allows students to broaden their perspectives and gain exposure to different cultures. It has a diverse range of programs, excellent faculty, and a supportive student community.

Waseda University is an excellent choice for anyone looking to pursue a degree in Japan.

9. Kyushu University

Kyushu University is a public research university located in Fukuoka, Japan. It was established in 1911 and is one of the top universities in Japan. It ranks as #135 in the 2023 QS World University Rankings.

Kyushu University has a strong international reputation. The students and faculty are from over 80 countries. The university provides a supportive and diverse learning environment. It has a great housing system and other student-friendly services. Kyushu University is a great choice for high-quality education in Japan.

10. Tokyo Institute of Technology

The Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) is a leading research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It ranks 55th in QS World University Rankings. It offers programs in engineering, science, and technology.

Admission requires passing the entrance exam and fulfilling the necessary academic requirements.

At all levels, Tokyo Tech offers complete degree programs in English. Specialized programs include:

  • the International Graduate Programs (IGP) and
  • the Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP).

These are for students who want specialized science or engineering degrees in Japan. There are many scholarships available.

How to Study in Japan from Bangladesh

To study in Japan from Bangladesh, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Research: Choose a field of study and research the universities and programs in Japan.
  • Requirements: Check the admission requirements of the universities you like, including language proficiency.
  • Apply: Submit your application, transcripts, and other required documents to the universities.
  • Exam: Take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU).
  • Visa: Apply for a student visa at the Japanese embassy in Bangladesh.
  • Prepare: Plan your travel, accommodation, and other logistics before departing for Japan.
  • Recheck: The specific requirements and procedures may vary. It depends on the university and program you choose. 

Study in Japan from Bangladesh Requirements

Here are 10 requirements to study in Japan from Bangladesh:

  • Passport: A valid passport with at least 6 months of validity from the intended date of departure.
  • Visa: You will need a student visa to study in Japan from Bangladesh.
  • Application Form: A completed application form, which you can obtain from the Japanese embassy or consulate.
  • Educational Certificate: Official transcripts and certificates of previous academic records.
  • Language Proficiency: Proof of language proficiency, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).
  • Financial Statement: Proof of financial support, such as bank statements, scholarship letters, or sponsorship letters.
  • Health Check: A medical certificate or health check-up report.
  • Insurance: Proof of health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Japan.
  • Letter of Acceptance: A letter of acceptance from the university in Japan that you have been accepted to study.
  • Study Plan: You need to write a detailed study plan. You have to explain your academic and research goals, the reason for choosing Japan, and the specific courses you plan to take.

Scholarships For Bangladeshi Students In Japan

There is no specific full free scholarship for Bangladeshi students in Japan. But several organizations and universities offer partial scholarships and funding opportunities for international students in Japan. Some of these include

  • The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) - Offers scholarships and financial assistance to international students in Japan.
  • The Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship - The Japanese government offers this scholarship for international students to study in Japan.
  • The Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh - Offers scholarships for Bangladeshi students to study in Japan.
  • Japanese universities - Some Japanese universities also offer scholarships and financial aid for international students.
  • The Association for the Promotion of International Education in Japan - Offers scholarships and funding opportunities for international students in Japan.

Let’s have a look at major scholarships for Bangladeshi students in detail:

MEXT Scholarship for Bangladeshi Students

The Japanese government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology or MEXT) offers The MEXT scholarship for Bangladeshi students. This scholarship provides opportunities for young Bangladeshi individuals to study in Japan. It covers tuition fees, monthly living expenses, and round-trip airfare.

To be eligible, applicants must meet certain academic and language proficiency criteria. Also, you should have a strong motivation for studying in Japan. The Japanese embassy in Bangladesh conducts the application process.

The scholarship covers tuition fees, housing, and a monthly allowance to support students while they are studying in Japan.

The MEXT scholarship is competitive. Students must go through a rigorous selection process, such as written exams and interviews. Students who:

  • demonstrate exceptional academic achievements,
  • leadership potential,
  • a strong commitment to their field of study can get this scholarship.

The MEXT scholarship is a great opportunity for students who want to pursue degrees in Japan. And also who want to experience the unique culture and lifestyle of the country.

JASSO Scholarship

The Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers the JASSO scholarship. It is to support international students who are studying in Japan. The scholarship helps students cover their living expenses and tuition fees while they study in Japan.

If you want to enjoy this scholarship, you must enroll in a Japanese university or graduate school first. You must have a strong academic record and good behavior. The scholarship covers a maximum of one year of study. This amount varies depending on the student's financial needs and academic achievements.

JASSO scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship and only a limited number of students are selected each year. The selection process depends on

  • academic merit,
  • financial need,
  • and the student's essays on their motivation for studying in Japan.

If you are an international student who is looking to study in Japan, you can apply for the JASSO scholarship. It can provide you with financial support and the opportunity to immerse yourself in Japanese culture and education.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to study in Japan from Bangladesh?

The cost of studying in Japan can vary greatly depending on the type of program, school, location, and living expenses. On average, students spend 3 to 6 million yen (approximately 30,000 to 60,000 USD) per year. It includes tuition fees, housing, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. However, the cost of studying in Japan may be higher or lower depending on the individual's specific situation.

Can Bangladeshi students study in Japan?

Yes, Bangladeshi students can study in Japan. However, they need to meet the eligibility requirements for international students. They must have a good academic record and proficiency in the Japanese language. They also need to get a student visa. This requires a letter of acceptance from a Japanese university and financial proof.

Can I study in Japan for free?

There is no guarantee of this, but you can technically study in Japan for free if you get a scholarship. There are many scholarships available for international students to study in Japan. There are also world-class Japanese universities that are comparatively cheaper to study in to consider!

Alternatively, you can look for internships in Japan. Some companies offer internships that provide housing, food, and travel expenses. You can also look for volunteer programs. Some organizations offer volunteer programs that allow international students to study in Japan. These programs typically provide housing, food, and other expenses.

Our Concluding Thoughts

Studying in Japan from Bangladesh is a fantastic opportunity. It is the best for students who are looking for a world-class education. It is in a safe and culturally diverse environment. Japan has a rich history, culture, and advanced technology. It is an attractive destination for students from all over the world.

The cost of studying in Japan is high. But scholarships, grants, and financial aid options are available to make it more accessible. Bangladeshi students enjoy the strong education system in Japan. They emphasize critical thinking, independent learning, and practical experience.

In short, your decision to study in Japan from Bangladesh is going to be a valuable investment in the future. It will provide you with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experiences that will benefit you for years to come.
